Saturday, January 26, 2013

As good as it gets

This is about as good as it gets....take twenty seven minutes and one second out of your day to watch it. And then get after what ever what you love to do, with no excuses.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

F#@K Off

When was the last time that someone told you to f-off? It had been a while for me and I started to question whether that's a good or bad thing. I both hate and fear rejection, even mild rejections hang on me for days,but there's one thing I've learned through the process of chasing goals, falling flat on my face, shaking it off, and picking up the chase: The things that are most important to me incur the most risk, they lie in that danger zone where a f-off is just as likely as a handshake. And I'm starting to see both as a sign of progress.

Asking someone to believe in you, or simply to believe you, is asking a lot nowadays. Sharing an idea that seems crazy, asking someone to join you in a leap of faith, or just straight up saying what you mean when no one in the room agrees may just result in someone telling you to f-off. If so, congrats. With the best things in life lying just outside of our comfort zones we'd better be ready to break some rules, make some new ones, and risk rejection of who we are today in order to become who we want to be tomorrow. So the next time that you're sure the room is in agreement, certain that the answer on everyones lips is yes, and pretty confident that no ones going to tell you to might be worth asking if you're in the right room.

Photo from Trust Your Journey posted by my friend Vanessa.